Submission of Life Certificate in the month of November, 2014 by Central Govt Pensioners/Family Pensioners

Central Govt Pensioners/Family Pensioners should submit Life Certificate to their respective banks.  The information on the current address and telephone number collected from the Life Certificates is to be updated on the banks master data with the CPPC

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Coma Place
New Delhi — 110 066

CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/2014-15/670-711


Sub: Submission of Life Certificate in the month of November, 2014

Attention is invited to this Office OM No. CPAO/Tech/Pre-2006/Revision/2011-12/191 dated 23rd October, 2012 circulating therewith a copy of CPAO’s’ advertisement in English released in the leading national and regional dailies on 21st October, 2012 regarding obtaining of life certificate in the revised format by the authorized banks from the Central Civil pensioner/ family pensioner in November every year.

It was also advised that the information on the current address and telephone number collected from the Life Certificates is to be updated on the banks master data with the CPPC and the updated master data is required to be sent to CPAO not later than the last week of December every year.

Since the pensioners/family pensioners would start approaching the banks for life certificate from 1st of November, it is reiterated that all Pension Account Holding Branches must be sensitized to ensure the receipt of Life Certificate in the revised format (copy enclosed).

The updated master data must reach CPAO not later than the last week of December, 2014. The modified format of Life Certificate is also available on CPAO’s website at the link “Forms-For Pensioners” appearing on the left pane of Home Page.

(Vijay Singh)
Sr.Accounts Officer(Tech)

Notice for Central Civil Pensioner and Pension Disbursing Bank about Life Certificate [view]
Life Certificate format as Image



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